I Like That

I Like That
See, hear, taste, touch and inhale the wonders of the world.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Bonnie The Birch Gets A Makeover

At first a stranger, now a friend, Bonnie the Birch was surrounded on September 26, 2012 by companions of like mind who care about the condition of this once abandoned tree. Her recovery started with my plucking a pop can from one of her outstretched branches. Afterward, I felt a cool sensation come over me, as though she was saying thanks.

Since then, my husband and I, along with a few Adopt-A-block volunteers, have cleared away rubbish, weeds and grasses that were encroaching on her, obscuring her beauty. To prepare her setting, first, we gathered various size boulders and placed them in a sturdy circle around her base. Next, we poured two bags of soil on her exposed roots. A generous neighbourhood garden centre owner donated the topsoil.

My excitement was peaked when others came to observe our project.
“It looks great! Look, there are little evergreens exposed now that the weeds have been cleared,” one man said.

The sun beamed brilliantly, illuminating Bonnie’s small green leaves, her crisp white bark and us. We stood for a while, silent, staring at her exquisiteness. I was left with the impression that she was grateful.

If you happen to be travelling on Dogwood Street in Campbell River, give her a glance or stop at the northeast corner of the Campbell River Curling Club to have a closer look. Her leaves will be waving at you.

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